Wrongful foreclosure lawyers in Texas stay busy.
We never cease to be amazed at the incompetence of most lenders. We are frequently retained to stop a foreclosure in circumstances where the lender has been dealing with the borrower and then, despite accepting payments or has reached an agreement with the borrower, goes forward with foreclosure. But sometimes, it is much worse.
In a case that is becoming all too familiar, we were retained to obtain a temporary restraining order in a case where the bank sold the client's home at foreclosure when the client was only a month behind and that delay only existed because of confusion caused by the bank in failing to give the client accurate payment information.
In this case the bank actually sold the home to a third party at foreclosure. We obtained a TRO preventing the buyers at foreclosure from taking possession of the property. After the temporary injunction hearing (where the Court granted an injunction stopping any further actions against the client) we then went to mediation and resolved the matter with the bank transferring the property back to our client, the loan being completely reinstated and our client's attorney fees paid.
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