post-judgment discovery limitations

What you don’t know can hurt you.

We have plenty of tools at our disposal when trying to collect a judgment. An important one of these is post-judgment discovery, which allows us to request documents detailing the debtor’s financial situation.

What many people fail to realize is that the rules of discovery change once a judgment has been handed down by the court. Before judgment, we’re limited in the amount of information we can request.

After a judgment, discovery limits disappear, and our ability to collect goes up.

Plan the work. Work the plan.

Although we’re given much more freedom with the information we’re able to collect from the debtor, we’re not interested in wasting their time or yours. The questions we ask and the documents we request are calculated to give us the best possible picture of the debtor’s assets and to collect your judgment. We always work to resolve these matters as quickly as we can, and with the best possible outcome for you.

Additionally, because the normal limits to discovery are removed, we can seek documents that the debtor is not comfortable giving to us, but which are relevant to their assets. Oftentimes, this discomfort alone is enough to resolve the matter. It’s a powerful tool.

Collecting Judgments in Texas is a multipart series offered by attorney Darrell W. Cook. Mr. Cook is one of the foremost experts in Texas on maximizing wealth through the efficient collection of outstanding debts. He’s particularly expert in the art and science of collecting money owed following the issuance of a legally enforceable court judgment. 

To learn more about collecting judgments and debts, and to read some pretty interesting and sometimes bizarre stories, follow us on LinkedIn and check out our collections blog here.

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